Pixar Classes Summary

Wanted to share this for a long time. It's just a summary of what was taught during the Character Animation classes by the Pixar animators during my time at the Academy of Art University. The following document is my interpretation of those classes. I'm not sure if that's exactly was the intention of the teachers. This was put together in a hasty manner one evening, so excuse the formatting :)


Thanks to my teachers Andrew Beall, Travis Hathaway, Adam Burke and Michael Wu

8hr Challenge

Got this dialogue and took it as a fun challenge to animate it to whatever level I can within 8 hrs of starting, including planning and breaks which also included a lunch and a shower :)

Do not expect great acting!!!

Attack Animation

Took few hours to animate something after a long time. It's pretty rough!

Sonic Boom Cutscenes

Some of my work from the game Sonic Boom : Rise of Lyric. These were animated at 3-5 secs a day. Used lots of shortcuts, cheats and experience :)

Calvin - The Superman

I teased it almost a year ago. But can't help it! I work at a very slow pace at home. So, here it is.

Also on Vimeo


Long time, I know!

This one started out as a animation test for a games studio. But I liked the concept so much, I had to tweak and change it to make it look like what I was seeing in my mind. Hope you guys (whoever is still following this blog) like it. Let me know what you think, good or bad :)

This is also on Vimeo

Btw, one more animation piece will be up this week. Wait for it!


I've been working on this for a while now, for a minute or two whenever I feel like animating at home these days. It's all animated, and needs polish. Here's a one second tease. And yes, there's more to it. Precisely 12 more seconds i.e. unless I decide to change something at the very last moment, which is gonna make it better but also is gonna take me a year more coz of the Turbo pace (aka, Snail pace, *ahem*) I work at, at home :)