I've been working on this for a while now, for a minute or two whenever I feel like animating at home these days. It's all animated, and needs polish. Here's a one second tease. And yes, there's more to it. Precisely 12 more seconds i.e. unless I decide to change something at the very last moment, which is gonna make it better but also is gonna take me a year more coz of the Turbo pace (aka, Snail pace, *ahem*) I work at, at home :)
Posted by
on Sunday, October 6, 2013
I've been working on this for a while now, for a minute or two whenever I feel like animating at home these days. It's all animated, and needs polish. Here's a one second tease. And yes, there's more to it. Precisely 12 more seconds i.e. unless I decide to change something at the very last moment, which is gonna make it better but also is gonna take me a year more coz of the Turbo pace (aka, Snail pace, *ahem*) I work at, at home :)
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